The most requested SAM Broadcaster feature has arrived!

At long last, FLAC has been added to Spacial’s family of audio streaming software.

If you have no idea what we’re talking about, you can find out more at

For the rest of you, rest assured that your collections of high-quality, low-compression FLAC files can now run, unfettered, on all your streaming radio stations!

Here’s the latest changelog:

SAM Broadcaster

  • FLAC playback support!
  • Fixed double speed / corrupted audio bug.
  • SAMVIBE Library export – only upload if exported raw data changed.
  • SAMVIBE Library export – Threaded file export to avoid UI freeze with Firebird Database.
  • SAMVIBE Library export – Strip null characters from all fields.


  • FLAC playback support!
  • Fixed double speed / corrupted audio bug.

SAM Cast

  • Licensing bug fixes.
  • HTTP Adapter filters unrecognized data

Haven’t you upgraded your software to the latest 2013 version yet? Visit the userzone and benefit from all the newest features, including the new SAM VIBE web widgets!

Happy Broadcasting!

The Spacial Team

p.s. What would you like to see next? Visit our Facebook page and drop us a line!