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Category Archives for Uncategorized

Guide to Writing Effective Radio Ad Script

Have you ever tried to write a 30 second message that still delivers all the critical messaging? Try writing a radio scripts. The best way to come up with the perfect online radio ad script is to understand the dynamics of radio advertising, and here is a perfect guide to writing radio scripts: Determine the purpose […]


VEED, Powerful Video Editing Tool

VEED is a video editing tool that was created with the intention of making video editing easy to learn and navigate so that it can cater to anyone regardless of age, gender, or education level.  The features are focused on helping students, teachers, content creators and marketers alike produce powerful videos and podcast audiovisuals in a matter of minutes. With […]


Using Your Community Radio for Breast Cancer Awareness

October is breast cancer month, and globally a time to raise awareness and provide support to those affected by the disease. Community radio stations remain a powerful and effective medium to broadcast support for worthy causes. In this article, we explain how you can leverage radio for your breast cancer awareness efforts this October.  Continue reading for ways that your local community radio station can get involved.   Fundraising Efforts  As a community radio station, you can use […]

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