How To Prepare for Black Friday Deals 2022 

November is already here, that happened a lot quicker than we expected! Black Friday is fast approaching too… in fact it’s less than a month away!  

Exciting one-time discounts will be popping up everywhere for Black Friday. When is Black Friday 2022? This shopping bonanza officially starts November 25th this year but be sure to keep an eye out for Black Friday deals as early as right now! 

At Spacial, we are also offering one-time discounts during this time and the price drops will be hitting your shelves soon, starting with our early access deals beginning November 9th.  

So how do you survive the Black Friday madness this year? Here are some helpful tips: 

Stay in the Loop with your Favorite Brands 

The likelihood that your favorite retailers have lined up a couple of great deals is high, and they are just waiting to unveil these deals in time for Black Friday. Your favorite brands are going to run their promotions at various times, so it is important to keep checking your favorite brands’ social media platforms and websites for deals. If you subscribe to your favorite brands’ newsletters, then it might be the right time to open those newsletters and check to see if they have any special deals. 

Shop Online or Instore 

Buyers have different preferences. For Black Friday, it is important for you to decide on whether you prefer to buy instore or online. Shopping online tends to have more benefits. You do not have to miss your thanksgiving dinner or get up super early to stand in a long winding queue. You can also shop across multiple retailers, and monitor how much you spend too, which is the convenience that online shopping brings.  

Depending on your preferences, location, and mobility, you might find shopping online so much easier.  

Budget, Budget, Budget 

Too many bargains can cause you to lose track of your budget, with just too many good to be true deals. Your funds will likely be limited, so make sure you set a budget before Black Friday arrives. You also need to set your priorities on what you want to purchase during this period. You can also set up an emergency fund, to give yourself leeway, in case you get something that is too good to pass up. 

Keep your Receipts 

In all the frenzy of buying for Black Friday, make sure you keep your receipts. In case your purchase is not what you expected, you can always return the item after the mad rush period. 

Take advantage of the early sales to avoid shipping delays 

Some Black Friday deals start way before Black Friday, so to avoid shipping delays, you are better off looking for early access deals. Retailers are usually swamped with orders during the Black Friday week, so get in early. 

Is It Really a Deal? 

With COVID that has come and gone, some retailers are resorting to giving false discounts to maximise on profits. Do your homework, compare prices, and ensure that you are getting real discounts. 

At Spacial, we are also offering Black Friday Deals! If you want to beat the queue, sign up here to get early access deals to our premier broadcasting software.