How To Fundraise Through Your Internet Radio Station

With great power comes great responsibility. Running your own internet radio station gives you the potential to drum up support for a whole range of worthy causes like Breast Cancer Awareness in October or Pancreatic Cancer Awareness in November, which are initiatives to push for funding to combat illnesses that affects millions of men and women every year.

Radio broadcasting software is all about making voices heard, and it’s hard not to answer this particular call. If you want to get involved and raise some cash, here are a few ideas to get your listeners on board too:

Inspirational Stories

People crave a personal take on the world’s developments, in your own sense of style. As a radio DJ, you can make good on that connection by researching and presenting a true story of how a specific illness, has impacted someone’s life and how they have overcome the battle.

Many sufferers, past or present, will be glad to share their experience. Reach out to local support groups and tactfully ask if anyone would like to appear on your show. With our live broadcast software, you can sit them down, hear them out and use that raw testimony to drive contributions.

Radio On-Air Challenges

It’s always amazing to see how public support can be galvanised by some kind of challenge. Radio DJs can draw up a list of fundraising challenges, escalating with the amount of money your audience raises.

Ask your friends, take listener suggestions, or go with your thoughts. It could be recorded audio played on-air, a sponsored stay-awake, or even speaking in a different accent for an hour each day. You can link this to your social media channels to ensure your efforts gain as much exposure as possible.

Encourage Your Listeners

Either of these first two options will symbolise how committed you are, yet the real agents of change – the public – also have to feel empowered. Use the full reach of your radio broadcasting software to encourage people to raise funds off their own backs. They can join in with an en masse head shave, beard shave, a bake-off, or a sponsored run.

Soon enough, messages will come flooding in, with all manner of cool achievements to talk about. This is where your station can make a huge impact, far outstripping the resources you’ve put into it. Don’t forget the strength it’ll add to your online community; once you share everyone’s efforts, they’ll feel properly connected to the cause.

So, now that you know what to do, it’s time to get thinking: how can you bring raise donations for worthy causes? Remember, Internet radio must also educate so use your radio station for a worthy cause.

If you’re just getting round to the idea of radio DJ software, check out our broadcasting packages.