Things To Love About Radio Automation Software

Unless our ears deceive us, we’re hearing the rumblings of Valentine’s Day. This will turn into a cacophony of love songs and champagne corks come February 14th. People are used to declaring their commitment to each other, but forgive us for instantly thinking of our favourite tech instead… It’s a love shared by the whole Spacial team, as we’re reminded of what such inventions do for our lives.

Radio automation software, for instance, has changed our relationship with the airwaves, putting us in the control booth of our own stations and programming. Here are five traits to adore about your internet broadcasting software:

1. It works while you’re away

Anyone who’s dreamt of a radio DJ persona has to balance their hobby with their day-to-day; things like work, family, and other personal or professional responsibilities. In the past, this would curtail your broadcasting time. But this is no longer the case, thanks to 24/7 automation across multiple channels. SAM Broadcaster Cloud lets you establish, organise, and run a non-stop playlist, to any time and track pre-sets you prefer.

2. Transferring your music library is a breeze

If, like us, you’re at the magpie end of the music spectrum – cherry-picking songs from hundreds of artists, and half a dozen eras – then you may crumple at the idea of uploading them all to your radio station. Luckily though, Spacial makes this a very easy process, using a drag-and-drop feature that updates you on what tracks have been synced. Scanning your library, it’ll suggest a blanket file upload, or allow you to manually choose what goes where.

3.The radio world is your oyster!

Since multi-station functionality is at the core of Spacial’s software, you don’t have to limit yourself to one genre of music, one reporting style, a limited brand identity… Let your creativity fly with several arms of audio programming, each reaching for a different listener base. As the scope of your operation grows, you’ll have a single platform to manage everything. It’s perfect for the resource-conscious radio DJ.

4.Websites are catered for

Most budding broadcasters struggle to foster cross-platform uniformity for their online presence. SAM Broadcaster fixes a dedicated station player to your website, and throws in some personalized widgets to boot! It means people can request a song from your library, see what’s currently playing, and tune in on their mobile devices. As a result, your amateur brand gains a lot more credibility.

5.Live audio is a killer draw

Just discovered an amazing band on the scene, whom you’re desperate to capture in the sweaty rush of a gig? Stream live audio with SAM Cast, the radio DJ’s best bet for a quality sound showcase. It encompasses multiple formats and bitrates, broadening your box of tricks for a special event. Listeners can interact with you, and their statistics are displayed in the dashboard. As a result, you’re linked ever closer to the crowd.

These are the reasons we’re infatuated with radio automation software, but what are your passionate plus-points? Don’t you want a sizeable audience to fall in love with your radio show and, by extension, all of the features we’ve listed above? Browse the amorous highlights of SAM Broadcaster Cloud today, and give Spacial a whirl for your internet audio mastery…