It’s All In The Mix: The Best House & Club DJ Software

DJing is an art. Whether it’s ear-melting techno, or a pulsing chill-hop beat, it’s not easy to draw tracks out as a smooth listening experience. Mismatched sets are easy to spot – even a little snag can put a dampener on your soundtrack…

Saying that, you don’t have to just rely on your own intuition. Technology is your aid and muse for an artful DJ showcase. Want to leave those decks in a capable pair of hands? Allow us to present SAM DJ, one of the best digital audio tools on the DJ software market.

How does it work?

Spacial offers a range of premium online radio streaming packages that benefit thousands of users around the world. But internet radio software is just a slice of our full skill set…

SAM DJ is designed to detect, match, and transition between the right sort of songs on your playlist. Once purchased, SAM DJ can absorb up to 50,000 tracks from your music library, and arm them for a party or background accompaniment. Track lists can be created, as you tell SAM what to cycle through at any given time of the day, over however long you plan in advance.

Once that’s done, with prefigured ‘rules’ to stick by – such as spacing out various artists and ensuring there’s no dead air between selections – you can get focus on hosting duties, letting the software direct and mix your favourite tracks.

A pro-party philosophy

So, how does SAM DJ actually get to work on simulating a real-life spin master? Aren’t there subtle ties in the audio that only a human ear can pick up, as the tracks flit from mood to mood?

Well, as it turns out, we’ve managed to implement several features that unify a DJ stream. Take the ‘beat matching’ function – mid-mix, it can isolate tracks that have a similar BPM, prepping what’s to follow for the rest of the night. This is crucial when you’re trying to maintain a steady pace, as opposed to jumping from slow and groovy to a pell-mell dance-off.

Every piece of audio is given a professional sheen. Treble levels, high frequencies and spikes in volume are evened out with processing technology. There’s even an automated cross-fader to make the switches almost unnoticeable. All of this can be manually specified, or left to run itself over the course of the set.

Of course, SAM DJ makes the bass and beat richer overall. So you can use it as a complement to your live mixing. Some of you – bar owners, we’re thinking, and anyone acting as host – will prefer the hands-off tactic; others, like DJs on the local house scene, might choose SAM to make their work or hobby that much simpler.

Regardless of your ambition, this radio DJ software is worth taking on board! Say hi to the Spacial team if you have any questions, and save that excess energy for the dance floor…