How Internet Radio Can Benefit Your Charity

Running a successful charity can be hard work. Community outreach, promotion and translating your efforts for a wide audience can take months or years to properly hone. Once you’ve established an organisation that can do great things, you might be looking for cost-effective ways to broadcast your message and shout about what you’ve accomplished.

Spacial is here to solve that problem. Internet radio can be a powerful tool for charities, and here’s why our services should be something to consider for any form of philanthropy.

Get the word out there

The first and most obvious benefit is that you’ll have a clear platform to market whatever’s on your calendar. Fundraising events often rely on pockets of interest snowballing into something noteworthy. Broadcasting your plans, even if it’s not to a massive range of listeners to begin with, gets the information out there en masse just the way you want it. Reminding people about social media campaigns or contact channels also can’t harm your chances of gathering interest.

Bring in other voices

Controlling your own radio station really can make you feel like a kid in a candy store. Anything goes when it comes to crafting worthwhile listening material. Although charities have a more restrictive agenda than, say, a comedy show, it’s still possible to play with the format of your broadcast.

Interviews with senior charity figures, case studies, or an intelligent panel debate on humanitarian breakthroughs will hammer home the point of the cause you’re campaigning for. Allowing varying perspectives to have their say on air is a sure-fire route into an audience’s hearts.

The personal touch

Radio can have an intimate, confidential edge unrivalled in other forms of media. It’s just you, your listeners, and plenty of talking, which can leave a strong impression when reinforcing how important your commitments are.

If you have a gift for telling stories – both about your personal beliefs and the people you’ve encountered in the charity sector – then radio is an ideal spotlight for your passion. Listeners who get in touch can be absorbed into that same dialogue, creating a back-and-forth dynamic that’ll engage your audience and draw plenty of new ears to the topic.

Sponsors will hear you

The likelihood of a unique, thought-provoking radio station acquiring sponsors is pretty high. This is good news for a commercial venture, but for a charity it’s even better. With the charity sector being as competitive as it is, scoring a sponsor with big pockets to see you through any difficulties should be one of your long-term goals. And the easiest way to do that is by setting up a great pitch for your prospects – radio can help you do this without taking huge chunks out of your budget.

Working for a good cause is an admirable and rewarding profession, and we’re thrilled to bring more charities onto the radio bandwagon whenever we can. Having your own station will do wonders for your exposure, financial opportunities and the tone of your message. Get in touch to find out more about our non-for-profit radio packages.