Category Archives for Uncategorized

Creating a Newsletter for Your Radio Station

With so many channels available to market your radio station, you might be asking yourself whether a newsletter is a worthwhile vehicle to explore. Rest assured newsletters remain an effective communication channel for radio stations to keep in touch with their listeners, well you are reading this newsletter. For tips and best practices on email strategies for radio, keep reading.  Why Send Out Regular Newsletters?  In addition to driving brand awareness for your radio station, […]


Running Multiple Radio Stations

Publishing a wide array of content to provide an engaging listening experience remains one of the top strategies for successful radio stations in 2021. One example of this is running multiple radio stations, each targeting a different demographic such as age, sex, interest, language and more to ensure that the content delivered is relevant to the intended audience.   Benefits Of Running Multiple Radio Stations  Having multiple radio stations will give you more opportunities to pull in more listeners […]


The Opinions of your Listeners Matters

Gathering feedback from your audience is an often overlooked but important aspect of your radio station. The process helps you understand if you are achieving your purpose, while helping you make improvements and gauge if the station has a loyal customer base.   Before you begin collecting feedback from your listeners, you first need to identify what exactly you are looking to get feedback on. Identifying your desired outcomes helps you to ensure that you structure your questions appropriately and collect meaningful data.  We have gathered a […]


Expanded Role of Radio in Education

The global pandemic has expanded the role of radio to include distance learning. Children across the globe have had to resort to out of classroom learning, with online learning being the most prominent.  TV and radio (both traditional and online) have also been used as an alternative to deliver distance learning during the lockdown period. Recent data shows podcasting in particular as having grown rapidly as a substitute for in-person teaching since 2020.    Traditional […]


TikTok For Radio Stations

Believe it or not, the popular video-sharing social network, TikTok, has become a key traffic driver for radio. It has become the biggest disrupter in the music industry, boasting over 800 million active users worldwide. Like Spotify and Apple, the platform has also become a huge boost for programmers, who can now get on top of the latest music that is trending.   […]