Category Archives for Uncategorized

Repurposing Content from Your Radio Station

When you plan your on-air topics, try to think beyond just radio.  Today, broadcast content can be repurposed across a number of distribution channels to help you increase your reach and grow your audience.    Important to Note: Be sure to remove or avoid repurposing content that contains copyrighted material and/or music.    Benefits of Repurposing Content   Further Expand Your Reach – Repurposing your content can help you expand your reach. Listening trends […]


A Complete Guide to Choosing Topics for your Radio Station

Ironing out the topics that you plan to discuss on-air is an essential part of preparing for your radio broadcast. Radio scripts are there to guide the basic audio elements of the show.  One element that you need to plan for when outlining your script is the content you would like to broadcast on your station. Content is king, and it can make or break a station. […]


Your Guide To Audience Targeting in Radio

Delivering great content that listeners love is a broadcaster’s top priority. Customizing that content for a specific audience enhances the overall listening experience for your audience even more, and that’s where the ability to target comes in. Audience targeting in radio can be defined as the method of categorising listeners into segments based on different […]


Tips for Conducting a Successful Internet Radio Interview

With the goal of every on air host to keep their listeners engaged, one of the best ways to accomplish this is through conducting engaging  radio interviews. On-air  interviews should prompt interesting conversations and/or thought-provoking discussions regardless of the interview topics including informational, personal or investigative interviews. Below, please find a few helpful tips on […]