All Posts by admin

New Spacial Website, New SAM User Interface

It’s been a labor of love, and now, the new Spacial website is finally here! You like? We like. For those of you overwhelmed with what I sincerely hope is sheer awe, let me break down some of the improvements. 1 – New SAM Interface Okay, so this doesn’t have to do with the website, […]


When the Muzak’s Over

Reflecting a company’s unique voice is what Custom Channels is all about. It’s how they do it that inspired Spacial to interview them for this exclusive profile. When a grocery store specializes in natural and organic products, it seems incongruous to hear a distinctly artificial, canned instrumental version of Rod Stewart’s “Maggie May” as you […]


Pulled Into the Roatan Vortex

So my friend John says to me, “Hey Genevieve, you wanna do a radio show?” Now, I’m pretty sure I’m the only Genevieve on the Island of Roatan, so he must have been talking to me! But-but-but…I don’t know anything about doing a radio show. Besides, I love music, but I can barely remember the […]


At Last I’m a Killer Whale!

I started working in radio in one form or another in the early ‘90s in Vancouver. I was interested in writing a serial radio play for a show I was doing on Monday mornings with then-famed DJ Hand-E Man. The idea was that we would have several weeks of two-minute fillers for those moments when […]